Monday, August 31, 2015

Frustration Overload

The last few days have been difficult ones. I have been working on my Week In The Life album when I have felt well enough to do so. I haven't felt well, so I haven't gotten much done.  I was able to get colored ink and get my printer working correctly so that I could start printing pictures. I was making progress! Yay!

However, this progress came at a cost. I have been sick with cluster migraines for the last four or five days. These were more severe than what I typically have and included (besides excruciating pain) nausea, body aches, dizziness, lethargy, a lack of balance and the inability to do much other than sleep or lie on the couch or my bed. I've been feeling terribly frustrated. Last night I decided that despite how crappy I felt I was going to look through my WITL Pinterest board where I had saved over 200 pins of sketches and layouts that I thought I could use or modify to fit my pictures for my Week in the Life album. So, using my android phone during commercials (I was watching the last episode of "Falling Skies" on TNT, I started going through the pins on my Pinterest board. At some point I realized I had pinned the same layout twice, so decided to delete one copy of that particular pin. Well, let me tell you, that was a major mistake. My mind was not clear, and when the message came up about not being able to reverse the process, and was I sure I wished to delete it, I clicked "delete". 

(Cue sound effects:  DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!)

 I then realized that something did not look right. When I tried to go back to the initial board I discovered IT WAS GONE. THE WHOLE BOARD WAS GONE! NOOOOOOOOOO!  How could I have done such a thing? Surely there must be a way to reverse this, right? Well that answer was a big fat NO! So there I sat, on my couch in front of a tv show that I no longer could follow because my brain had suddenly been put on PAUSE! I could not wrap my mind around the idea that I had actually deleted over 200 pins in one fell swoop. Yup, just like that. "You've got to be kidding me", I frantically thought. Sadly, no one was pulling a prank on me. Nope, it was just me and the spongy mass that was masquerading as my brain. I broke down and cried. It actually surprises me that I did not throw my phone across the room. I was so disgusted by the whole mess. 

At that point, I had to put it aside and get my grandson ready for bed. As we went through the normal bedtime routine, my mind kept returning to the thought that I had actually deleted an entire board from my Pinterest page.  I have done some really sad stuff since developing these migraines, but this would have to be the most frustrating one.  Now, it's not impossible to rebuild a board for the WITL layouts. However, I have no way of remembering all the folks I pinned from previously. So, it's back to the drawing "board" so to speak. I went to bed last night hoping that today would be a better day. Both in feeling physically better and having more clarity of mind.

I'm happy to report that I woke up feeling better. I no longer felt that I was slugging through a muddy bog with someone repeatedly stabbing an ice pick through my skull. This was already a good day!

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